Some of Our Favorite Plant-Powered Cookbooks

The authors and publishers of the following cookbooks were generous enough to allow us to use some of their published recipes in the Proteinaholic Recovery Plan Bonus Recipes ebook. (If you don’t have the eBook, you can grab it here.)

Disclaimer: These are amazon affiliate links, which don’t cost you any money, but help defray the time that Howard puts into maintaining the site and adding content. If you don’t want to shake a few coins his way, feel free to type the titles into amazon directly, or even better, find these books at your local independent bookstore ( or from the vendor of your choice).

Also – there are many many other whole food, plant powered cookbooks and websites than we’ve included here. If you’d like us to build a comprehensive bibliography, share your suggestions in comments below. (We’re partial to books that minimize processed foods, even though they may be vegan.)

Better Than Vegan, by Del Sroufe

Blissful Bites, by Christy Morgan

The China Study Quick and Easy Cookbook, by Del Sroufe

The Everyday Happy Herbivore, by Lindsay Nixon

Get Waisted, by Mary Wendt, MD, and Tess Challis.

Jazzy Vegetarian Classics, by Laura Theodore

My Beef with Meat, by Rip Esselstyn with recipes by Jane Esselstyn

Nutrition CHAMPS: The Veggie Queen’s Guide to Eating and Cooking for Optimum Health, Happiness, Energy, and Vitality, by Jill Nussinow.

Plant Power: Transform Your Kitchen, Plate, and Life with More Than 150 Fresh and Flavorful Vegan Recipes, by Nava Atlas

The PlantPure Nation Cookbook, by Kim Campbell

The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook, by Ann Crile Esselstyn and Jane Esselstyn

Thrive Foods, by Brendan Brazier

Unprocessed, by Chef AJ

The Vegiterranean Diet, by Julieanna Hever

YumUniverse, by Heather Crosby