Big Sugar vs Our Health
It never ceases to amaze me how much effect industry has on our health. This great video by Dr. Michael Greger is a must-watch. Go here for more details, a transcript, and hundreds of other great videos.
Continue ReadingIt never ceases to amaze me how much effect industry has on our health. This great video by Dr. Michael Greger is a must-watch. Go here for more details, a transcript, and hundreds of other great videos.
Continue ReadingOne of my friends sent me this. It is funny, but the sad part is some people actually believe this. They think that eating a healthy plant based diet may make you live longer but why do that if you […]
Continue ReadingYou will be hearing a lot about gut bacteria in the future. It seems like lots of diseases, even obesity, may be caused by or exacerbated by our gut bacteria. Of course, companies are jumping on this bandwagon now by […]
Continue ReadingAwesome!
Continue ReadingWell, I made it to the Men’s Health quarterfinals in “The Ultimate Guy Search.” I am one of 100 now. Wonder if they read my bio and saw I was vegan. I hope so! If you could, help me show […]
Continue ReadingIt makes me so happy to see patients 1 year after surgery and see the huge differences in their diet. I just saw a patient whose pre-op diet log looked like a slaughter house. Eggs and bacon for breakfast. Subway […]
Continue ReadingFinally some good news. Tulane University is spreading the message that doctors can treat patients with lifestyle education and support – specifically with a healthy diet. It couldn’t have come at a better time: I have been getting so depressed […]
Continue ReadingThe world becomes increasingly bizarre to me. The influence of industry and the control of money is astounding. It is just so frustrating. Around the country, state legislatures, at the behest of animal agriculture industry, are proposing and passing “ag […]
Continue ReadingLet me start off by saying that I am on a salary by University of Texas. I get paid to operate. I do not receive any outside money whatsoever. That being said, I love my Father’s Day gift: The Magic […]
Continue ReadingIt can really be this easy. Open the bag, pour on some plant milk, add fresh or frozen fruit, and enjoy.
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