I have been on cruise control since publishing my book but I suspected at some point there would be a response. And of course that day has come. Denise Minger, famed for her criticisms of The China Study, has taken […]
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On October 13, I was invited to give a book talk at the wonderful Quail Ridge Books & Music in Raleigh, North Carolina. Thanks to my buddy Gio, who is much better with technology than I am, the talk was […]
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Dr. Robert Lustig did a study that was recently released that has the media screaming that sugar is killing us. No question junk food is bad for you. I would never advocate pure sugar. The problem is that this creates […]
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Dr Garth just wrote about his dislike of the word “moderation” when it comes to food. That is, when people justify eating junk food and meat at every meal by saying, “Everything in moderation.” He compares animal foods, shown to […]
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In response to the huge amount of media attention – and confusion – around the World Health Organization’s report linking meat, and especially processed meat, to cancer, I’ve decided to make chapter 13 of Proteinaholic publicly available. Thanks to my […]
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I HATE the word “moderation.” What does that even mean? The Okinawans eat meat moderately: fish 2-3x week and pork once a week or, more traditionally, once a month with festivities. Our view of moderation still has an animal product […]
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The World Health Organization has reviewed hundreds of studies, many of which I reviewed in detail in my book Proteinaholic, and concluded that the science shows a clear association between red meat and processed meats and cancer. More and more […]
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I really think the media need to stop using shock journalism when it comes to nutritional science. This article from The Washington Post is sensationalism at its peak, and serves only to confuse the general public. Look at the cover, […]
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In regards meat, and processed meat, as a carcinogen. Some people seem to not understand what a carcinogen means. A carcinogen is a substance known to cause cancer. Now just because you consume a carcinogen does not mean you will […]
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As Dr Garth joyfully reported on his Facebook page, The World Health Organization (WHO) is actually going to label meat and processed meats as carcinogens. His trenchant commentary: “About time.” Of course, industry is shocked and outraged. The president of the […]
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