Intro The Game Changers Movie seems to have actually been a real Game Changer. It became the best selling I-Tunes pre-ordered movie and is trending like crazy on Netflix. Seems like you can’t turn on news or social media now […]
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Warning: Long rant coming (Hope you are used to these by now) I just got back from filming an episode of The Doctors, and it was a nightmare. Basically felt like a hit job on me and the producer of […]
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A patient came to see me today and told me his dentists told him not to eat broccoli because it would slow his metabolism. He also suggested he eat a blood type diet. (Insert screaming and tantrum) First off, why […]
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Breaking news! I have come across damning evidence that debunks the notion that the world is round. The world is in fact flat. Want proof? Here:,…/200-proofs-earth-is-no…. Next post I will prove to you that water, in fact, is […]
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Dr Mark Hyman tells us to eat fat if we want to be thin. His article “Why Eating Fat Doesn’t Make Us Fat” cites a study in Cellular Metabolism journal that shows replacing carbs with fat leads to burning 100 […]
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(Warning, Jerry Maguire style rant). As I began studying the effects of lifestyle on health, and the amazing research on the benefits of plant based diets for our heath and the health of our environment, I had this burning desire […]
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Last year, I participated in a debate with Dave Asprey, creator of Bulletproof Coffee, and Rich Roll, on the topic of “Biohacking.” Click play, then select the Show Full Screen button at the bottom of the video below, and enjoy!
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I get so frustrated with the huge outcry against sugar. My concern is not because sugar is somehow good for you; processed sugar is certainly not part of my prescribed diet. My issue comes with the fact that sugar has […]
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We have known for some time that while bodybuilders are the epitome of health, they actually suffer from shortened life expectancy. A new study that is soon to be released shows that this reduction in longevity is actually quite dramatic. […]
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In the wake of the recent Biggest Loser study, which was just misinterpreted by the New York Times, I wanted to share this Facebook post I wrote in 2012: Let’s just start with the name, The Biggest Loser. I suppose […]
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