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Meet Ironman Architect Chris Elberson

by on November 06, 2015

Chris Elberson generously shared his story (and his lab results – scroll down to the bottom to see them) with us in an email. In his own words:

I appreciate what you and Dr. Garth are doing to promote health and wellness.

I’m a 44 year old male and my family and I have been plant based for nearly two years.

My wife and I have been relatively athletic marathon level runners for most of our adult lives. I went in for a routine check up two years ago and was told that I should get on a station to reduce my elevated cholesterol levels.

I was shocked and not excited about the idea of being on a drug for the rest of my life! At the encouragement of my wife I cut out all meat and dairy and returned to the doctor in 28 days. I lost 20 pounds and dropped my cholesterol by 100 points and completed a 140.6 mi ironman this year!


My running group is made up of 5 physicians and health care professionals who dismiss and ridicule our plant based diet. It’s hard to believe that the “professionals” in the medical community continue to practice in blatant ignorance.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks, Chris! Right back at you 🙂

(And thanks, Chris’s wife!) chris-elberson-labs

